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Favorite Ice Cream Flavors in Each State

Did you know that each state has its favorite ice cream flavor? We've covered the most popular ice cream flavors in America, but it gets even more specific than that when you look at the most popular ice cream flavors in each state!

The Daily Meal recently compiled a list of the top ice cream flavors in every state according to the flavors that were most frequently Googled by the residents of each state. The compilation makes for an interesting look at the popularity of different flavors across the United States—as well as some of the surprising similarities between states.

Some of these state’s most popular ice cream flavors might be fitting given what the state is known for, but others might surprise you or seem downright random. Regardless of whether each state’s favorite ice cream is expected or unexpected, here are the top ice cream flavors by state:

Starting with the top of the alphabet, Alabama’s favorite ice cream flavor is peach ice cream. 

Next up, Alaska reportedly loves peach ice cream, too!

Third on the list is Arizona with a bit of a curveball—the Grand Canyon state loves bubblegum ice cream.

Arkansas, like the first two ‘A’ states on the list, reportedly loves peach ice cream.

Californians like their boba ice cream just as much as they like their boba tea! At least, according to Google, they do.

Our home state of Colorado had all the flavors in the world to choose from, but the most popular flavor searched for in the state was vanilla ice cream. 

Connecticut liked the same flavor as some of the first states on the list but with a creamy twist. The state’s favorite and most-searched-for flavor was peaches and cream ice cream.

The only state to start with the letter ‘D,’ Delaware reportedly favors fruity blueberry ice cream.

If any of the states on the list were a shoo-in for favoring a tropical and fruity flavor, Florida’s the one. They didn’t go for orange, though, like the state is known for, instead favoring mango ice cream.

Georgia, in line with their famous Georgia peaches, favored peach ice cream. We’d almost be disappointed if the state searched any other flavor more frequently!

Like California, Hawaii likes boba ice cream the best!

Idaho—the land of potatoes—has chosen the not-so-popular (but oh-so-delicious) cherry ice cream as their favorite.

In Illinois (and, as you’ll see, in much of the midwest), blue moon ice cream is the favorite. Unless you’re from the midwest, you have likely never heard of the flavor, but it’s a popular one and is called blue moon because—you guessed it—it’s bright blue! The flavor is a bit hard to define but has notes of marshmallow and vanilla.

Like many of the other states before it, Indiana favors peach ice cream.

Iowa steers clear of the blue flavor many of its midwest counterparts have chosen and goes with a classic: rocky road ice cream.

Another classic ice cream flavor is the favorite of Kansas residents: good old-fashioned chocolate ice cream.

The surprising frontrunner in several states, peach ice cream is Kentucky’s favorite ice cream, too.

Of all the states to have a favorite ice cream in common with Colorado, we would have never guessed Louisiana! Vanilla ice cream is this southern state’s most Googled flavor.

Fresh strawberry ice cream is Maine’s favorite flavor—and one of America’s top three flavors to boot!

Maryland’s favorite flavor is a less popular flavor on its own but a crucial ingredient in a banana split. The state favors banana-flavored ice cream!

Another unique flavor that is also blue, Massachusetts’ most favorite flavor is cookie monster ice cream. This flavor is bright blue and features, like you might have guessed based on the name, chocolate cookie chunks and cookie dough.

Michigan is another state that loves bright blue ice cream but sticks with the midwest's favorite blue moon ice cream.

For three ‘M’ states in a row, the favorite ice cream is blue! Minnesota’s favorite ice cream is cookie monster ice cream.

Another southern state that has its favorite flavor in common with Colorado is Mississippi. The state favors vanilla ice cream above all other flavors.

Missouri’s favorite flavor is also vanilla ice cream.

Montana likes fruit ice cream with a bit of a unique twist and favors huckleberry ice cream.

Nebraska’s favorite isn’t blue, but it’s a classic. The state loves vanilla ice cream the most!

Nevada’s most beloved ice cream flavor isn’t an ice cream flavor at all but strawberry shortcake.

New Hampshire’s favorite is another fruity twist—black raspberry ice cream.

Chocolate chip ice cream is New Jersey’s favorite ice cream flavor!

New Mexico loves vanilla ice cream just like some of its neighbors. 

New York has the same favorite flavor as New Hampshire—black raspberry ice cream.

North Carolina, in true southern fashion, favors classic peach ice cream.

Coconut milk ice cream is North Dakota’s favorite.

Ohio keeps in tune with some of its fellow midwest states and favors blue moon ice cream.

Oklahoma loves Neapolitan ice cream.

Oregonians are fans of spumoni ice cream.

In Pennsylvania, they love an ice cream modeled after a popular candy bar—milky way ice cream.

Rhode Island also loves Neapolitan ice cream like Oklahoma.

South Carolina sticks with its Northern counterpart and goes for peach ice cream.

South Dakota is unique and likes butter brickle ice cream—filled with bits of toffee.

Tennessee keeps things simple with vanilla ice cream.

Texas is aligned with its fellow ‘T’ state and also favors vanilla ice cream.

Utah’s favorite is spumoni ice cream.

Vermont adores classic chocolate ice cream.

Virginia stays true to its southern roots and favors peach ice cream.

Washington follows in Utah’s footsteps and goes for spumoni ice cream.

Washington D.C. loves butter pecan ice cream.

West Virginia favors a classic ice cream flavor that is loved all over the country, rocky road ice cream.

Wisconsin is a true midwestern state and favors blue moon ice cream.

And finally, Wyoming sticks with vanilla ice cream. How could you go wrong with that?