How To Plan an Office Ice Cream Celebration Party

Little or big wins in the office always call for a celebration. It is always best to feel a little bit of appreciation and encouragement in hard times like now. If you are looking for a simple yet satisfying way to celebrate, holding an ice cream party will never disappoint.

Here's how you can successfully create your office ice cream party with a blast!

1: Find Your Ice Cream Cart Supplier

The first thing to do is find a supplier of ice cream carts. Usually, you can purchase ice cream carts from a stationary store. It is advisable to get them in bulk for special occasions. Order the carts before your celebration. This way, you can save your budget too.

Your employees will love the ice cream cart as it brings back delightful childhood memories. Additionally, it will be an excellent way to show your staff that you care and appreciate their hard work.

2: Make Sure That The Party Has a Theme

After finding the ice cream cart supplier, make sure that your party has a theme. Your workplace will start to look like a party place because of the theme. It will also be a great way to get your employees excited about the event, too.

You can choose any theme you want which will go with your theme or the season. You can choose a beach, Halloween, Christmas, or any other colorful theme!

3: Finalize All the Details

After choosing and ordering the ice cream carts, you need to finalize all the details. Make sure you get the ice cream carts on time, and then you can start planning your office ice cream party.

You will also need to decide where you will hold your party. You can choose a specific place in your office or choose to hold your party outside the office. There are many amazing places in Denver which you can choose for your party.

4: Serve a Signature Sundae

Now that everything is in order, you can start thinking about the food. You can decide to serve ice cream sundaes as a signature treat for your party. If you are looking for easy toppings, candies and sugar toppings will do. Additionally, you can also add whipped cream, nuts, and fruits.

You can have several sundaes to choose from. You can also allow your employees to create their signature sundae flavor.

5: Come Up with the Event Hashtag

To make your ice cream party more fun and exciting, you need to create a hashtag. You can do this by using the initials of your company's name and the event's name. You can also use the hashtag #[companyname]IceCreamParty or something similar. You can use this hashtag to promote the party and easily find all the photos from the celebration.

6. Make the Venue Look Festive

If you hold your party outside the office, you need to make the venue look festive. You can decorate the place with balloons, lights, and streamers. If you have enough budget for the celebration, you can also have a stage for the ice cream cart to display their cool treats and flavors.

7. Be Inclusive in Your Ice Cream Menu

To make your party more inclusive, you need to ensure that everyone enjoys the ice cream flavors. Add some exotic flavors and give everyone a chance to taste them. This way, everyone will have fun.


Ice cream parties are a great way to celebrate the good things in life. It is also a great way to thank your employees for their hard work. With the help of the tips above, you can genuinely make your ice cream party a blast. You can have a great time with your employees! The best way to ensure that your ice cream party is successful is to get the ice cream cart early.

If you are looking for ice cream for parties in Denver, you are on the right page. Besties Ice Cream cart can make your ice cream office party a blast. Our company offers various options to fit our client’s varying needs. Schedule a quick phone consultation with us! 


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