Cater your event

Reserve A Besties

Ice Cream Truck

The town's coolest and sweetest food truck, bringing joy and flavor to every corner.

ice cream truck reservation

To learn more about our ice cream truck catering, book a consultation with us.


To book our Ice Cream Cart, Book A Consultation!

Book The Ice Cream Truck Online!

Ice Cream Truck

Area Of Operation

We happily serve locations within the Denver radius without extra fees. For events beyond this area, a trip fee will be added, with the cost varying based on the location.

An additional $100 fee applies for locations up to 25 miles outside this range.

besties ice cream logo

Ice Cream Truck Reservations

Thank you for inquiring about ice cream truck reservations! We would love to be able to accommodate your request.

Ice Cream Truck Reservation Reminder

Making a reservation for an ice cream truck is a great way to ensure that you have a delicious treat at your next event. There are a few things to keep in mind when making your reservation, such as the number of guests you'll be serving and the type of ice cream you'd like to have.

When reserving, be sure to ask about their availability, pricing, and any special requirements they may have. Once agreed, simply make your reservation and enjoy!