What Are the Most Popular Ice Cream Flavors in America?

The data speaks for itself!

When it comes to ice cream flavors, everyone’s got a favorite. While some people stick to their tried and true favorite no matter what, others are more adventurous and ready to try even the wackiest of flavors out there. Regardless, you’ve probably got a favorite ice cream flavor, just like everyone else in America who’s ever eaten ice cream (who hasn’t?) But do you know what the most popular ice cream flavors across the country are? Take your guesses before reading on, because you’re about to find out!

The Survey

In summer 2020, YouGov, an international research and data group out of London, set out to find what America’s favorite ice cream flavor is. To conduct the survey, YouGov set out to ask as many Americans as they could what their favorite ice cream flavor is. The survey was conducted in anticipation of National Ice Cream Day, which is the third Sunday in July every year. National Ice Cream Day was started in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan, and YouGov’s survey lined up perfectly with the holiday that has American’s craving creamy, cold ice cream every summer.

YouGov surveyed 19,857 American adults to get the consensus and the results are in. 

Thirteen flavors were listed as an option for survey-takers, and an option for “other” in case someone’s favorite wasn’t mentioned.

The Results

Chocolate won out and received 17% of the votes cast in the survey. Unsurprisingly, classic chocolate is America’s favorite ice cream flavor!

The second most popular ice cream flavor in America, according to the YouGov survey, is vanilla. This tried and true classic flavor is still one of the most popular ice cream flavors in America.

Ranking third in the YouGov survey was strawberry ice cream—another classic staple when it comes to common flavors of the sweet treat.

The fourth most popular ice cream might, in fact, be a bit of a surprise. Americans favored mint chocolate chip over the rest of the remaining nine options on YouGov’s survey. 

Next up is the traditional flavor butter pecan. A little sweet, a little nutty—just like people tend to be!

The sixth most popular flavor in the survey isn’t really a flavor, it’s the “other” option. So there are actually quite a few Americans who like more unique ice cream flavors than what was listed on the survey.

Next up is chocolate chip cookie dough. A favorite for ice cream and cookie lovers alike, just like the eighth most popular in the survey, cookies ‘n cream.

The ninth most popular according to YouGov’s survey is rocky road—a true classic and one of the first ice cream flavors complete with mix-ins, followed closely by coffee ice cream.

The next two flavors, tied with both flavors garnering 3% of the survey results, are chocolate chip and pistachio.

Neapolitan, a classic combo of the top three favorite flavors according to the survey, takes the next spot on the list.

And finally, America’s least favorite ice cream flavor, at least according to the YouGov survey, is birthday cake/cake batter.

So what do you think? Do you agree with America’s choices? What’s your favorite flavor? We’re sure to have something to match your sweet tooth at Besties Ice Cream, no matter what your favorite flavor is.


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