Quick History: How Americans Came to Love Ice Cream

Have you ever wondered why people love eating ice cream? One study found that people eating ice cream feel happier, experience more positive moods, and have higher self-esteem. Moreover, they were also more likely to enjoy a good relationship with the people around them. Researchers even say that eating ice cream creates a positive emotional response and increases feelings of social connectedness.

If you wonder where and how this love for ice cream came about and why it became one of America's most loved comfort foods, here is the story you need to know.

The Origin of Ice Cream

The history of ice cream dates back to the 2nd century BC across many cultures around the world. Some sources even describe that ice cream-like foods were consumed in Persia way back in 550 BC.

There are some historical references stating that the ancient Greeks and Romans climbed up mountains to harvest ice that they’d infuse with fruits and juices for flavor. The Chinese and Mongols also had their own versions of this tasty treat.

The recipe for this delectable dessert evolved over time and gave birth to the modern version of ice cream around the 16th century. It was even served regularly at Charles I’s tables in the 17th century. However, it wasn’t available to the public until 1660 in Italy and France.

Ice Cream’s Rise to Fame in America

The first account of ice cream in America dates back to 1777, and until 1800, it was still considered an exotic food. It was mostly reserved for the rich and powerful. By 1800, however, insulated ice houses were invented, which changed everything.

By 1843, Nancy Johnson of Philadelphia patented her hand-cranked ice cream freezer. This eventually led to the ice cream manufacturing industry, pioneered in 1851 by milk dealer Jacob Fussell. As with many brilliant innovations, the ice cream industry developed and expanded over time. Almost instantly, America adopted this well-loved dessert.

The ice cream float’s invention in the 1870s massively helped with ice cream’s popularity as well, and in the late 19th century, ice cream sundaes came to be some of America’s favorite desserts. The ice cream cone and banana split later rose in popularity as well around the 20th century.

Now, there are tons and tons of flavors to choose from, as well as endless ways to enjoy America’s favorite dessert. They’ve become some of the most popular ways to indulge oneself in the finer things in life.


Up to now, ice cream has been an irreplaceable dessert of many. Ice cream is available in a large assortment of flavors, sizes, styles, and prices. All types of ice cream in various flavors can be served at home, including the ones made from scratch. It has been a staple on the dinner table of most American families and is one of the most common forms of food consumed by children and adults of all ages. Your party would not even feel like a real celebration if ice cream is not served.

If you are looking for ice cream for parties in Denver, look no more. Besties Ice Cream can make your party stand out through our ice cream truck catering or ice cream cart services. Call us for questions and reservations.


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