Why Eating Ice Cream During the Colder Months is Superior

Many people think of ice cream as a purely warm-weather treat, but does that really need to be the case? Ice cream is a great dessert (or snack, or meal, if your sweet tooth is the one planning dinner) to cool off when the temperature outside is soaring, but that doesn’t mean you need to wait to enjoy your favorite ice cream flavor when the sun is shining down.

Ice cream is a year-round dessert, and that’s especially true if you simply love the cold, creamy treat!

Here are some reasons why eating ice cream year-round (yes, even when it’s chilly outside) is actually an excellent decision:

Less of a crowd at your favorite ice cream parlor.

It might seem trivial, but this seems like a good enough reason to take a trip to your local ice cream shop if you ask us! Some of the most famous ice cream shops in your town are probably pretty packed when warmer weather rolls around. A great way to beat the crowd and consume some delicious ice cream is to go to said ice cream shop when there’s a nip to the air. That line that goes around the block on a sunny, sweltering day will probably be a lot shorter, or have all but disappeared, during a crisp or snowy day.

You don’t need to worry about your ice cream melting.

One of the most frustrating things about eating ice cream when it’s hot outside is that your ice cream may very well start to melt all over your hands before you even finish it. The beauty of ice cream is that cold and creamy texture, so consuming your favorite flavor of ice cream once it’s turned into a puddle is simply never as good as when the treat is frozen. There’s no need to worry about your ice cream melting when the temperature is hovering right around the freezing mark outside, though! Whether you’ve just got your favorite ice cream to-go from the local ice cream parlor or purchased a pint of that flavor you’ve been craving from the grocery store, it’s a lot less likely to melt when it’s cold outside.

Your favorite limited-edition ice cream flavors are available.

When you only consider eating ice cream during the summer, you leave out all the incredibly holiday-themed flavors that your favorite ice cream brand produces throughout the year! Whether that’s pumpkin-flavored ice cream for the fall months leading up the Thanksgiving, candy cane ice cream for the month of December, or red velvet flavored ice cream for Valentine’s Day, there’s no doubt that the winter months allow ample opportunity for celebrating a variety of holidays with some delectable ice cream flavors.

When it comes to eating ice cream, there’s no need to be confined by the temperature outside. Ice cream is a year-round treat and one that we wholeheartedly endorse consuming no matter the weather here at Besties Ice Cream. So whatever the weather, be sure to stop by and get a scoop of your favorite ice cream flavor!


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