Enjoy THE Treat: 5 Common Myths About Ice Cream, Debunked!

Ice cream is one of the most refreshing and enjoyable treats there is – whether it be taking a scoop out of the carton while hanging on the couch, having a huge sundae at an ice cream parlor, or eating it on a scorching morning. Indeed, a true classic you can't help but love—that's what ice cream is all about.

And unfortunately, in this day and age of marketing deception, many people have been hoodwinked into thinking otherwise: ice cream isn't good for you, ice cream will make you fat, etc. 

It's time to debunk some myths about our favorite treat with ten facts about ice cream that are sure to prove how awesome ice cream really is!

Here are some common myths about ice cream:

It is Unhealthy

Ice cream always falls under the unhealthy category. However, it’s not totally unhealthy. Unbeknownst to many, ice cream is an excellent source of vitamin A and calcium. 

There’s nothing wrong with eating ice cream unless it is not consumed in moderation. Otherwise, things can get unhealthy quickly, especially if you finish a carton in one sitting. Take note: there’s nothing wrong with indulging; just watch the servings, and you’ll be fine.

It's Bad for the Throat

It is a common assumption that ice cream will increase your risk of throat infection, but this is a myth. In fact, eating ice cream can help soothe a sore throat. In addition to that, it is said that the protein found in ice cream is known to promote the body’s immunity.

The only downside would be a high sugar content, which in large amounts can cause tooth decay.

It is the Fluffier and Lighter Ice Cream That is High Quality

This is definitely a myth. The density of the ice cream has nothing to do with its quality. The thought is that the more fluff and air that’s in ice cream, the better and higher quality it is.

However, that’s not the case. Ice cream products with a higher quantity and quality of fat are desirable as they deliver richer and more satisfying results. The number of air bubbles and the fluffiness of the ice cream does not indicate the quality.

It Makes You Fat

Ice cream isn't the best for your waistline, however, it doesn’t necessarily make you fat. The reason behind ice cream’s association with weight gain and obesity is the sugar content.

It is the sugar that is the problem for the body and not the ice cream itself. So, if you want to avoid weight problems, then turn to healthy fats, and add ingredients such as fruits or nuts for your content.

It Can't Be Stored for Years

There was a time when you thought that once the ice cream melted, it would be gone for good. That’s not the case. Ice cream in the right conditions can actually last up to a year!

The texture of the ice cream will change as time goes by. However, the ice cream can be frozen again to turn it back into a solid treat.

Yes to Ice Cream!

These are the common myths that surround ice cream. Although it's not as healthy as a bowl of salad, don't let these myths hinder you from enjoying it. Indulge in moderation, and you'll be fine.

Are you looking for ice cream for parties in Denver? Besties Ice Cream offers a wide range of ice cream carts for you. Get in touch with us today.


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