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All About Chocolate Toppings

When it comes to ice cream toppings, ones of the chocolate variety simply cannot be beat. Not only is chocolate ice cream the most popular ice cream flavor in America, but chocolate toppings are some of the best and most popular out there. Ice cream can be topped with everything from chocolate flavored sprinkles to chocolate shavings to chocolate chips to chocolate candies to chocolate sauce to chocolate fudge—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!

If you’re a chocoholic and want to learn more about all of the many chocolate-flavored toppings out there for your ice cream, you’re in the right place. Read on to find out more about some of the best ice cream toppings available to quench your chocolate cravings.

Chocolate Sprinkles

Most people think about sprinkles of the rainbow variety when thinking about the fun and eye-catching topping, but did you know that there are chocolate flavored sprinkles, too? Most chocolate sprinkles come in the Jimmies variety, which is a type of sprinkle shaped into tiny rods. They’re usually made of sugar and cornstarch, and chocolate jimmies often include either melted chocolate in the recipe or cocoa powder.

Chocolate Shavings

Chocolate shavings are another popular option for topping your scoop of delicious creamy ice cream. Chocolate shavings are just what they sound like—little bits of chocolate shaved off of a larger chocolate bar or chunk. This option is great if you want a little bit of actual chocolate on top of your ice cream, but not too much. It’s also an excellent option if you’re a chocolate purist and want only the best chocolate on your ice cream since you can go for extra dark chocolate or milk chocolate or whatever you prefer as your topping.

Chocolate Chips

Chocolate chips and ice cream are a classic flavor combination for a reason! If you aren’t going to have your chocolate chips in your ice cream like the popular flavor, then chocolate chips on top of your ice cream will do the trick. This is an excellent option if you’re wanting big chunks of chocolate in every bite of your ice cream since the chocolate chips will come with all the chocolatey goodness they’re known for as you chew each delectable bite.

Chocolate Sauce

When it comes to chocolate ice cream toppings, chocolate sauce almost can’t be beat! This is a classic way to top off your scoop of ice cream and makes for a rich, gooey, and all-around delicious ice cream experience. Chocolate sauce comes in many varieties—most notably the famous Hershey’s brand sauce many grew up having with everything from ice cream to chocolate milk—and is usually made of sugar and cocoa powder. The combination results in a decadent chocolate sauce that makes the perfect topping for your favorite ice cream flavor.

While chocolate may be America’s favorite ice cream flavor, we’d argue that chocolate—in some variety—is also in the top few of America’s favorite ice cream toppings. If you’re craving some cold delicious ice cream and your favorite chocolate, why not combine the two? It will make for an amazing—and delicious—sweet treat that’s sure to please.