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How to Store Ice Cream Cake for Increased Longevity

Ice cream cake is one of those special desserts that is perfect for any occasion. Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, holidays; you name it, ice cream cake can be there. But if you're not careful, ice cream cake can go from being a delicious treat to a mushy mess in no time at all. That's why it's important to know how to store ice cream cake properly in order to keep it fresh and enjoy it at its best.  

How long does ice cream cake last?

If you're looking for a dessert that will last longer than a few days, you might want to try ice cream cake! Ice cream cake is a great option for those who don't want to have to worry about their dessert going bad anytime soon. In fact, ice cream cake can last up to two weeks in the freezer! So if you're looking for something sweet that will last, go with an ice cream cake!

Fortunately, storing ice cream cake is pretty simple as long as you have the right tools. All you need is a freezer-safe container with a tight-fitting lid and some plastic wrap. With just those two things, you can keep your ice cream cake fresh for weeks!

Here's what you need to do:

1. Start with a clean, dry container. Any size will do, but make sure it has a tight-fitting lid that will create an airtight seal. If your container doesn't have a lid, you can improvise with aluminium foil or plastic wrap. Just make sure the seal is tight so that no air can get in.

2. Cut the cake into slices or pieces and arrange them in the container in a single layer. If you're using a round cake pan, try to slice the cake into wedges so that each piece has some of the frosting and topping.

3. Cover the cake with plastic wrap, making sure that the wrap touches all sides of the cake and completely covers it. This will help prevent freezer burn.

4. Put the lid on the container and label it with the date so you know when it was stored.

5. Freeze the cake for up to 3 months. When you're ready to eat it, let the cake thaw in the fridge for 4-6 hours until it's soft enough to eat. Serve and enjoy!

How to tell if your ice cream cake is bad

We've all been there. You're standing in line at the ice cream truck near me, eagerly anticipating your favorite ice cream cake, when you realize that it's been sitting in the sun for who knows how long. You hesitantly take a bite, only to find that the ice cream is melted and the cake is dry.

But how can you tell if your ice cream cake is bad?

Here are a few telling signs:

- The ice cream is more liquid than solid. This is a sure sign that the ice cream has melted and re-frozen multiple times.

- The cake is dry and crumbly. This means that the moisture has been drawn out of the cake, making it dry and unappetizing.

- The ice cream has an off flavor. This could be due to lower quality ingredients or exposure to heat or light. If the ice cream doesn't taste quite right, it's probably best to throw it away.

If you find yourself in this predicament, don't despair! There are still plenty of delicious ice cream cakes out there. Just be sure to check for these signs before taking a bite.

Wrap up!               

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy deliciously fresh ice cream cake any time of year! Just remember to start with a clean container, cover the cake tightly with plastic wrap, and label it with the date before freezing. With just a little bit of care, your ice cream cake will stay fresh for weeks!