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Everything You Need to Know About Dairy-Free Ice Cream

When most people think of ice cream, their mind conjures up images of rich whole milk mixed with eggs and sugar, then slowly churned at a low temperature to create a deliciously creamy dessert. For some people, though, the thought of consuming ice cream is a dream that will never be realized (or at least will never be enjoyed) due to a dairy allergy or lactose intolerance. 

If you’re one of those people who can’t tolerate dairy for health, dietary, or moral reasons (vegans, for example, might choose to abstain from consuming dairy for reasons other than an allergy or intolerance), then you may have struggled to come to terms with the fact that the delectable frozen dessert isn’t something you can consume regularly.

For years there were few alternatives to traditional ice cream made with cow’s milk, but with the popularity of alternative plant-based milks in recent years—and incredible developments in food production that have made for creamier and more delicious dairy-free milks—there are more ice cream options out there than ever before. With approximately 65% of adults suffering from some sort of dairy or lactose intolerance, demand for ice cream alternatives has never been higher—and food manufacturers have responded accordingly!

If you’ve ever wondered about how dairy-free ice cream differs from regular ice cream, or wondered how such ice cream is made given the different amounts of fats and proteins in plant-based dairy products, we’ve got all the answers for you. After reading this blog, you’ll be able to make an informed decision when it comes to your next dairy-free scoop!

What’s with the different labels?

When it comes to purchasing dairy-free ice cream products at the grocery store, you might run into a few different labels on different brands and types. Dairy-free ice cream, for example, simply means that the ice cream is just that—free of dairy. Vegan ice cream, on the other hand, means that the ice cream is completely made from plant-based ingredients and contains no animal products. Then, of course, there’s lactose-free ice cream which might contain dairy that does not have lactose (which is a common culprit when it comes to dairy intolerances.)

Depending on your reasons for seeking out dairy-free ice cream, you might choose to go with a certain label, so pay attention to what the ingredients are and what exactly that pint is made of!

Will dairy-free ice cream taste different?

It all depends on your personal preferences and taste buds, but dairy-free ice cream often does have a different flavor profile and texture. Certain plant-based milks—like coconut milk, for example—might lend a different flavor to your scoop. Similarly, the fat content of different non-dairy milks will result in a different texture than ice cream made with whole milk. Typically, the more fat content in the milk, the creamier the ice cream, but that isn’t always the case due to different add-ins and ingredients that can increase the silky texture of any sort of ice cream.

Dairy-free ice cream is a great option if you are looking to cut dairy out of your diet due to necessity or a personal preference. Luckily the popularity of non-dairy milks in the past decade has made finding dairy-free ice cream easier than ever—though it’s important to pay attention to labels and go into your dairy-free ice cream experience knowing the flavor and texture of your ice cream might be different. Now, go get all the diary-free ice cream from the store and have a tasting!